Thursday, March 25, 2010

Breaking bad Season #3 Ep #1

Jesse and Walt are not done cooking, I like the idea that the cousins are coming to kill Walt but end up killing Hank, or better yet, Skyler as she is the only 1 besides Gus and Saul who knows whats up. I think if Skyler is killed, nobody would be sad. At least i wouldnt, i mean, Walt is trying to get his paper up so his kids can go to college, have clothes, food, etc. Hes not doing this just to have extra loot laying around, he is about to check out! I hate skyler for this, my wife's mother was left w a mountain of debt after her husband died. But I digress...

Jesse - Love he's down w being the bad guy, hes good with it, and Walt is good w cookin meth, Jesse is the dealer, he is the supplier, it works. I think we will see Jesse impress Walt and bring them closer.

Hank - Looks fatter somehow, dude needs to lose weight, and he does look like Black Francis from the pixies (google search) I want to see him catch the Cousins in a gun battle, but that is too much like Tuco.

Cousins - whats up w them? kinda lame about the whole "so bad ass they dont need to speak" angle, but I liked when the kid noticed the skull on their boot he signed his own death certificate. Why are they called the Cousins? Cousins of who, Tuco? I get they are from the cartel. Loved the goat symbolism which nobody picked up on as the goat being the Mexican symbol of satan.

Skyler - hope she gets capped

Flynn - loves his daddy more now that his mom is being mean to him, dad has got CANCER! Mom, on the surface seems mean.

Saul - wheres he at? He will be a motivator to get Walt back in the game. Maybe we will see him as his divorce lawyer? Divorce counsel?

Gus - that gangster is not done yet.

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