Thursday, June 11, 2009

Travel / Life / Movies

I am feeling more and more unsatisfied with my weekends, this can only mean i need to travel more. I want to hit Louisiana, Cali, Texas, Japan, Idaho, Florida, Vegas and Hawaii before the years end. Wish me luck. I think Japan will be the most expensive / trickiest. I figured on 2K then my Japanese friend said, "More" so i figured on 3K and he still said more so now im kinda fucked. That is a lot of loot for a dude who owes 24K to the govt for school. Seriously? Why cant they just pay for our schools like in Europe? So dumb, they make us broke to get a higher education to help out their country. So stupid, the system is so broke, I need to move. But i can't leave the USA because every other country hates us. I want to hit Hawaii so bad. I was thinking Hawaii then Japan. Vegas I am going to be there July 1oth. I Will be there for the UFC fight, Georges St. Pierre vs. Thiago Alves / Frank Mir vs. Brock Lesnar 2 AND the WOSP. Should be quite nice.

Breaking Bad - Season Finale

What a let down. Plane crash? I guess it was cool how it could have been connected that dude who lost his daughter fucked the planes up. Stupid tho, I wanted BLOOD! Call me gory but I wanted to see a main character killed. I think we will se Gus use Walt to play Hank in some way in his favor. I think Hank will end up busting Gus, probably by Walt's tip off to avoid he himself getting popped. That was cool how Gus all nonchalantly said "Is this one of your agents?" When he saw Walt's picture in the DEA office. But for reals, lets see some BLOOD.